Welcome to Lingobox community. We are a platform that connects expats and locals for language and intercultural exchange through language partners, local mentors, volunteering opportunities and community events. Whether you are a language learner who wants to practice a language in a real, day to day setting or simply interested in our local mentorship service or looking for a volunteering and internship opportunity, Lingobox is a safe and active creative community that helps facilitate this exchange.

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About Lingobox

The Lingobox team is a group of diverse expats and locals with more than ten years of collective experience working in the international education and non-profit sectors in Amman, Jordan. We are passionate about language learning and intercultural exchange as a means to promote multi-cultural understanding and community involvement. Lingobox language partners, local mentors and volunteer opportunity providers are carefully screened and each member is matched with someone who shares their interests and goals.

Partners in Jordan

partners in jordan

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